Here’s how to get active with City South!
- Join our Facebook group (click here). You don’t have to be a member to join the City South Adelaide Facebook group – we welcome anyone who has an interest in the City South precinct to join our group and receive updates on events, issues and meetings occurring in our patch. Alternatively, you can receive our Monthly Newsletter by submitting your email address to our Coordinator [email protected]
- Become a member. If you live or work in the City South precinct, we welcome you to become a member. Membership is inexpensive and members are kept up-to-date via regular email correspondence of all our activities. Go to our Membership page for all the details on how to join.
- Attend a meeting. We welcome residents, business owners and workers in the City South area to attend our Patch Catch Up meetings and engage with the group. Check out our Meetings page for details of upcoming Meetings. If you are planning to attend a meeting, we ask that you RSVP to our Coordinator [email protected]
- Become a Committee Member. Nominations for new Committee Members are accepted at our AGM held annually in August. To become a Committee Member, we ask that you have attended at least two Patch Catch Up Meetings during the year prior to nominating and of course, be a current financial member of City South Association.
- Host a meeting. We welcome business owners in the precinct to approach us regarding hosting a Committee Meeting on your premises. We require a reasonably quiet space with table & chairs that can accommodate up to 15 people. We are open to using in-house food and beverage suppliers in hospitality venues, or we can organise our own catering. Please contact our Coordinator [email protected] for more details.
- Make a suggestion. If you would simply like to make us aware of an issue in the City South Precinct, or have some feedback for us, we’d love to hear from you. You can download a feedback from here, or just email us directly at [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!
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